Double Layer Running Socks Make for Happy Feet

Dear A & H…Whether we runners notice it or not, each and every time we “suit up” for a run, we are actually donning a uniform, a uniform of comfort. We might express our individuality by choosing different colors, fabrics, and length of sleeves and bottoms, but we all kind of look like members of the same club. Thinking about this today, I decided to write about one small piece of this uniform that isn’t always a perfect steward of comfort but really can be, if we choose wisely. ت  

Just an Ordinary Day

It was an inspiring story.

A tale of findings…

Double Layer Running Socks

…and fulfilling a calling.

Double Layer Running Socks

And, when all was said and done, profound hole-e-ness was reached.

Double Layer Running Socks

Oh, no!…My last pair of favorite socks!  😢

True, they weren’t perfect. They weren’t an impenetrable shield to blisters and they had a way of attracting lint from the dryer, but they were always comfortable.

Ahh, well.

On the bright side, when things need replacing, it’s a perfect time for trying something new. Maybe even splurge a little, like buying enough pairs of double layer socks to wear all the time, for training AND racing.

Ahh, to dream…


As I weighed my options, such an investment started looking better and better. Yes, they do cost a little more than regular running socks but not a whole lot more.

Also, they really do live up to their reputation.

I found this out a couple years ago while racing in a pair I didn’t train with beforehand. Maybe I was a little reckless but, I just decided to buy a pair, wash them, and test them out while competing in a triathlon.

I really wanted to know. Do they live up favorable reviews or not?

Fortunately, all worked out well. Didn’t get one hotspot or blister. Even better than that, I never thought about the state of my feet during any part of the race. Not once.

Such peace of mind was unexpected but a very welcome surprise.

Deservingly, they went on to occupy their own special place in my drawer. 🙂

Yet, are they worth spending extra $ just to train in?

I mean, my usual (single-layer) brand of running socks have served me well all these years. They’re economical and I know what to expect.

Even the cotton socks lining the bottom of my drawer have some benefit (yes, really).

Decisions, Decisions

Long story short, I decided to splurge.

Actually bought four pairs!

Double Layer Running SocksYowza!

I couldn’t have been happier!

Though I went with the Wrightsock brand, they aren’t the only company making the double layer style. Other companies include Hilly and Runique:

Hilly And Runique Double Layer Socks

If, right this moment, I could be granted a secret power, I would ask for Persuasiveness to convince you to give these awesome socks a try. Hopefully, just writing a little more about them will do the same.

Blowing A Dandelion Making A Wish

What are Double Layer Socks?

Designed to prevent blisters, double layer socks accomplish this by:

  1. Wicking moisture away from skin and
  2. Eliminating the friction that naturally happens between socks and skin while running.

Concerning #2, this is where the true ingenuity and benefit of these socks is found. Because, unless a runner goes barefoot, friction generated between socks, shoes, and skin will always be a natural byproduct of running.

However, when double layer socks are worn, friction is redirected away from skin to the space between sock layers. The end result? Intact and uninjured skin (AKA happy feet).

Though these socks greatly benefit runners, they actually are the brainchild of hikers. Seeking a way to avoid blisters, they found relief by wearing two pairs of socks, the inner made of polypropylene to help with wicking and the outer made of wool. Wrightsock, the company I bought my socks from, have reinterpreted this design by stitching the two socks together and, occasionally, using wool.

Pros and Cons of Wrightsock Socks


  • Double layer (effective at preventing blisters)
  • Synthetic materials (to promote wicking)
  • Made in the USA  🇺🇸


  • Prices range from $7 to as high as $20 a pair (at time of publishing this post)

Final Opinion of Double Layer Socks

Don’t wait for your socks to kick the bucket before giving double layer socks a try.

Even if it’s only one pair for race day, you won’t be disappointed.

That’s a 96.2393% guarantee. 🙂

Confession time: After buying those four pairs of Wrightsock socks, I again splurged and bought a pair from Hilly. That picture of purple and teal colored socks above are them. I’ve really been wanting to compare these two brands for a while so, once all socks are washed and dried, they’ll be put to the test. Stay tuned for a future review.

As for the Runique socks, they were a lucky find while looking for just regular socks at They’re an online retailer that sells both used AND new items at a discount.


So, A & H, how’d I do with my first review? I think my love for these socks made writing easier. Hmm, that gave me an idea…Think I just found the perfect present for your next birthdays. ت  Until my next letter…

Much love, O.M.


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P.P.S.  No spam ever. Staying away from processed is a healthy thing to do. 🙂

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