Finding Beauty to Inspire Your Running…It Really is Everywhere
Dear A & H…Was feeling a bit sentimental today. Sometimes when life, the news, and the state of near everything seems dire, it’s sometimes easy to overlook what’s right in the world. It’s during these times I’m thankful for running. It takes me to where there’s beauty and peace, even when I’m far away from trails, mountains, and trees. What a blessing. ت
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
If you live near a mountain range, the beach, or among shifting desert sands, it’s easy finding beauty to inspire runs.
However, if your environment is mostly concrete, asphalt, and steel, natural wonders are a little more challenging to come by.
Or, are they?
I “Sense” That Today Will Be Different
There really is beauty everywhere.
Yes, truly. 🙂
It might not be obvious, though. Might take a little effort…
…to see beyond seeing….to hear beyond hearing…to smell and touch what maybe didn’t seem to matter yesterday.
We just need to be receptive to its majesty in whatever form it takes…even when wrapped in a tiny package.
Working With What You Have
Though I would like to run among tall trees and across expansive ridges whenever I want (ahh, to dream), circumstances at the moment find me running over more concrete and asphalt than I prefer.
But, both environments are…in many ways…on some level…the same to me.
Why? Because, no matter if I’m running in a natural setting crafted by Mother Nature or in an artificial one designed by man, I find nature’s spirit alive in both. It’s palpable and real and inspiring. True, it’s easier to drink in this spirit from the former, yet, the latter offers some surprisingly refreshing sips.
Here are a few of my experiences and what they’ve taught me.
The Nightly March
Two nights ago I saw a goose “parade.”
One following the other on a small lake next to a new In-and-Out Burger Restaurant.
It’s a nightly feathery parade which passes under a busy 4-lane road, a quiet procession in search of a safe place to bed down for the night.
Each night, these geese probably never doubt they’ll reach their goal.
They instinctively know they’ll eventually get to where they’re going. Maybe quickly one day, maybe taking a little longer on another…hmm, maybe I shouldn’t stand on this overpass they’re trying to go under.
Makes me contemplate how I might be limiting myself with my running, both in training and at races, all because apprehension keeps me from stepping outside my comfort zone.
These geese, through their example, teach a good lesson about perseverance.
In future, if ever I feel fear or doubt, this little memory will be a gentle reminder that I can do anything I put my mind to, letting determination and perseverance carry me.
Entitled Wildlife
You know your local wildlife is getting a little too chummy with people when you’re out on a run…getting closer and closer to random pigeon or squirrel…and they pretend you’re not even there.
Maybe even stand in the way.
This really speaks to how fear is both in the mind and, if one is exposed to whatever is scary enough times, it naturally just melts away.
I wonder if that works for 100-mile races, too?
Does anyone ever get over that fear? I really want to know.
Note to self:
Add 100-mile race to bucket list to test this theory.
Crusty Encounter
It was winter and raining a lot.
A lot a lot.
But, it was evening, my day to run and, rain or no rain…
Who’s kidding anyone, running through rain is the best!!! 🙂 Especially in cotton (hehe). Makes for a great workout as clothes get heavier and heavier and…Just don’t stop or you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a refrigerator. | ||
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So, deciding this was an ideal way to spend my evening, I headed for the beach via passing the lake with the “parading” geese.
Nothing special.
Except for the rain, just another usual uneventful run…
…looked out for potholes…
…beat the traffic light getting to the lake…
…was just about to pass the lake…
What the heck?!?
Ack…big spiders!?!
Heading out and away from the lake.
All over the sidewalk and some on the highway.
Maybe looking for a dryer spot? Trying to save themselves?
“No!!! Don’t go toward the light! It’s only the Home Depot!”
Some 10 minutes and 20+ redirected crayfish later, I was just amazed by their resolve.
Something wasn’t right in their world so they were doing something about it.
They weren’t contemplating their situation, feeling sorry for themselves, and waiting for help. They just decided to act.
Makes me wonder how I can be more ambitious with my running and health. What can I do to eat better, sleep more, and not make excuses for not getting in a little more running time?
If it is to be, then it is up to me.
Music is Everywhere
The closest official trail to my home is ¾-mile long.
Nestled between a housing development and two main roads, it’s not too long but beautifully diverse.
There’s a seasonal wetland pond, a small grove of redwood trees, rabbits, and even a bobcat.
What’s more amazing even than this is the music.
Not always but if it isn’t commute time, the most beautiful melodies can be heard.
Birdsong, crickets, and even croaking frogs.
But, because of the highway, it’s difficult to know if life is mostly quiet along this trail or if “music” really is there most of the time.
It doesn’t really matter though because, during some part of any day, bird, cricket, and/or frog gets the stage.
So it goes with my running (and participation in triathlon). When life was busy with work and family, it was difficult to stretch my competitive wings.
But, this was my choice.
True, there was a time when I wanted to go pro with triathlon (hey, someone has to come in last 🙂), but the joy of family called to me more than the joy of intense training and competing.
Yet, the urge never went away, even when my focus shifted away from sport to the rigors of maintaining a home.
But there were reassurances.
When I wanted to let my body sing through athletic challenges, the noise of life said, “Right now you have to wait. Do what you can, but know you’re time will come when you can do more. Have patience and one day you will have your stage.”
Thankfully, this time has finally come.
Kids are grown and rightly pursuing their own personal dreams and adventures.
So, it’s again my time to sing. And sing I will. Maybe not so loudly as before, but it will still be beautiful, even if only to me.
You Only Have Today
Toward the end of one of my runs, I pass by the local library.
There’s a manicured lawn next to it and a few trees but what makes me stop every time are the rose bushes that grow in islands among the parking spaces.
They have been there since…forever.
But, for some reason, I can’t not stop and smell the roses.
Some don’t have any scent because they’re past their prime but some are very nice.
I really could just run past them. Since they have been there for as long as I can remember, they will likely be there tomorrow.
BUUUUT, I find it impossible to not take a moment to appreciate their beauty and maybe even be surprised by an especially beautiful aroma or bud.
I don’t know all the reasons why but sometimes it just necessary for health and heart and spirit to just pause…
…to stop…
…and appreciate.
Whether it be for a flower or life in general.
To fully stop and appreciate this moment and all it holds dear.
Fellow teammates and competitors.
To stand in awe of who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Just because.
No better day than today.
Right now because tomorrow offers no guarantees.
Even more, it’s important to stand in appreciation of my moments as a runner (I might be the only one who will). Yes, I could probably do more but whatever I can do is wonderful in and of itself. It’s something and…something is better than nothing. That deserves a good moment’s pause.
My Favorite Wild Things
Stepping outside my front door, they will, without fail, be there.
They live along any stretch of road I pass or on any sidewalk that takes me to where I’m going.
They are indomitable.
They keep on keeping on.
They are the little feral grasses and plants that grow in uneven cracks and thin crevices.
Little blades of greenery that, once they have their footing, take what they have and make the best of it.
They do what they do in silence and ask for no fanfare. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don’t. But they never give up.
They are great teachers.
If little blades of grass never cease striving, though resources may be slim and the conditions not ideal, then neither will I.
I can do this thing called running in all its manifestations…road, trail, ultra.
If they can do it, so can I.
I’ve got this.
Inspiration Truely Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
Thank you little hidden wonders for reminding me of what determination, fearlessness, resolve, patience, appreciation, and potential look like.
You inspire me every day.
Much love, O.M.
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